Alright guys. I am sure the ones who did follow me there for a little bit. Have known I have been gone for long amount of time. I transferred games there for a little bit. But I came back mainly for the PvP. People should already know it has changed a huge amount. Here is a spec that can handle a 60,000 DPS in PvE and 170,000 DPS AOE, 9,000 DPS in PvP single target/ 12,000 AoE in PvP. Now do note. this is not with the best gear in the game. it is mostly with just PvP gear from boxes that have not even been upgraded. Just runes attached. So I am very positive you will achieve better results.
So in this guide. you will find. my macro'/spec tree/helpful tips/buffs you should use.
Pretty much it will teach you how to use the spec in a very basis level that has already been tested by myself.
Alright so you will want Reaver 54, Warlord 4, and paragon 18.
Since Reaver is almost full. Let me say what you wont put into.
Power Leech Row 4 from bottom will have 0/3
Spasm row 3 will have 0/1 (giving you two points)
Dire Steps row 6 will have 0/1
Lingering shadows row 6 will have 1/2 (increases your DPS done keeping a point in this)
Row 1 will have 4 in Soldier's Might
Row 1 will have 5 in Teaching of The Five Rings.
Row 2 will have 5 in Weapon Familiarity
Row 3 will have....
3 in Grave of the Five Rings
2 in Devoted Training
Row 4 will have 3 in Flowing Strikes.
For the side you will want.
Enduring Survival, Physiology Proficiency, Energy Reserves, Deliberate Strikes, Power Manipulation
This is the end of your spec layout. Time for 3 Main macros.
Single Target.
#show Shadow of Dread
cast Break Free
cast [shift] Dire Blow
cast [shift] Desecrating Blow
cast Shadow of Dread
cast Infestation
cast Ravaging Strike
cast Rancid Cleave
cast @self Power Manipulation
cast Soul Crystal
cast Crest of Entropy
#show Shadow of Dread
cast Break Free
cast [shift] Desecrating Blow
cast Shadow of Dread
cast Infestation
cast Rancid Cleave
cast @self Power Manipulation
cast Soul Crystal
cast Crest of Entropy
DOT Recovery
cast Break Free
cast Dire Corruption
cast Flesh Rot
cast Necrotic Wounds
cast Soul Sickness
Turn the Blade, Plague Bringer (for AOE use only.), Prestilence, Binding of Affliction, Way of the River, Focus Body, Recovery Posture.
Plague Bringer (for AOE use only.), Prestilence, Binding of Affliction, Way of the River, Focus Body, Recovery Posture.
(Turn the blade can have a downfall on PvE DPS unless you are paying very close attention. I recommend just turning it off.)
MOVES you do not want to forget during PvP!
Thread the Trees, Locks guy in place.
Sergeant's Order, pulls them too you and breaks cast bars.
Cloak of Death, INVISIBLE...... short period.
As I have stated earlier. This is a very basic guide for a spec that does very heavy hitting. This is why I am not going into further detail. As I do have to fight you guys now ;) I may post videos of how it does later on. Not to sure how serious I will get with the blog again.
It's Dwarfin' Time!
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