Monday, September 16, 2013

Battle Bard... Till Death oh wait.

So what, You are a bard. This means you are the main focus of all the people pretty much since, people like to say bards are one of the best things in this game. Well being a Bard you have 3 main motifs that should be rolling out, But if you go to far into it, you get squishy. Is there a good level to go into it? or what? Yeah there can be set levels in each area that make you stronger in certain spots, but weaker in area. I have a bard Build that is an all around bard, good at everything and caps around 35k health with merc gear on. This spec though, is a what it is... A battle bard, meant to be the focus on all groups and healing still. Hardly ever will you be a victim of being trolled on this spec. Currently, Rift Is not working for me though, so I could not locate my Macro, It will be added to this build Shortly once it works.

4 Tact, 41 RiftStalker, 31 Bard

4 Tact

Row 1, 4 in Metal Plating
Row 2,  None
Row 3,  None
Row 4,  None
Row 5,  None
Row 6,  None
Row 7,  None
Row 8,  None
Row 9,  None

41 RiftStalker

Row 1, 5 in Unseen Fury, 4 in Toughened Soul
Row 2, 3 in Boosted Recovery, 5 in Great Fortitude
Row 3, 5 in Planar Boost, 1 in Shadow assulat, 5 in Strengthened Will
Row 4, 3 in Exception Resilience, 1 in Stalker Phase, 1 in Rift Guard
Row 5, 1 in Planar Refuge
Row 6, 3 in Shadow Guard, 1 in Rift Prison, 1 in Shadow Mastery
Row 7, 1 in Improved Rift Guard
Row 8, None
Row 9, 1 in Planar Rejuvenation

31 Bard

Row 1, 5 in Good Health
Row 2, 3 in Invigorated Soul, 1 in Anthem Of Glory, 2 in Stage Presence, 2 in Street Performer
Row 3, 1 in Power Chord, 2 in Talented Composer 3 in Street Smart
Row 4, 3 in Chord Of Inspiration, 1 in Bardic Inspiration
Row 5, 1 in Riff, 1 in Coda Of Restoration, 5 in Triumphant Spirit
Row 6, None
Row 7, 1 in Advanced Music Theory
Row 8, None
Row 9, None


#show Riff
cast Break Free
cast [shift] Defer Death
cast [alt] Planar Refuge
cast [alt] Shadow Assault
cast [alt] Shadow Blitz
cast [alt] Shadow Stalk
cast [alt] Shadow Shift
cast Riff
cast Power Chord
cast Cleanse Soul
cast Cadence
cast Petrified Rune
cast Renewing Seed
cast Soul Crystal
cast Shadow Stalk
cast Planar Disruption


Spec Need to Know,

Always keep your motifs up, When you need to Planeshift to get a heal, make sure you your motifs are up because they will boost the healing you receive from it.

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