Alright Well here is probably my last mage spec posting, I do not Play rift, much at all. I get on every now and then to help and talk to people. I am trying to move on to a different MMO but i am having such bad internet problems that i get d/c every 10 seconds. It was a struggle for me to even get this posting out because of how poor my internet is being right now. So hopefully you guys like the Spec
About this Spec
It has Heals, It has good Survive, It has Crowd Control, It has Grief Damage (dual Grief Damage) and It has a Main Macro which is about all you need to use, but you can use other things and i highly do suggest other moves too that are not in there, because it is missing out a few important moves that couldnt be added to the macro, or would just have been confusing to do so. You will Always have a 25% increase to Intellect if you use the macro that is given.
Tree Setup
36 Chloromancer, 36 Dominator, 4 Warlock
36 Chloromancer
Row 1- 5 in Natural Awareness
Row 2- 3 in Empowered Veil, 3 in Nature's Corrosion, 2 in Healing Slipstream, 1 in Bloom
Row 3- 5 in Circle of Life
Row 4- 5 in Call of Spring
Row 5- 1 in Resurgence, 3 in Natural Power
Row 6- 3 in Raised In Nature
Row 7- 1 in Essence Surge, 3 in Nature's Swiftness
Row 8- 1 in Healing Balance
Row 9- None
36 Dominator
Row 1- 3 in Clinging Form, 4 in Mental Fortitude
Row 2- 2 in Improved Charge Shield, 5 in Acumen
Row 3- 3 in Improved Mana Wrench
Row 4- 5 in Dominant Personality, 1 in Transference, 1 in Quicken Form, 2 in Durable Control
Row 5- 2 in Microburst, 1 in Reflective Presence
Row 6- 1 in Split Personality, 2 in Splintered Mind
Row 7- 2 in Prolonged Break, 1 in Traitorous Influence
Row 8- 1 in Broken Influence
Row 9- None
4 Warlock
Row 1- 4 in Magical Affinity
Row 2- None
Row 3- None
Row 4- None
Row 5- None
Row 6- None
Row 7- None
Row 8- None
Row 9- None
Macro Setup
Main Macro
#show Reflective Presence
cast Break Free
cast Reflective Presence
cast [shift] Withering Vine
cast [alt] Haunting Pain
cast [alt] Storm Shackle
cast [alt] Life Leech
cast Ruin
cast Traitorous Influence
cast Death's Edict
cast Flourish
cast Transference
cast Thunder Blast
cast @self Resurgence
cast Radiant Spores
cast Split Personality
cast Degeneration
cast @self Deny
cast Neural Prod
cast Dark Touch
cast @self Reflective Command
cast Renewing Seed
cast Archaic Tablet
cast Petrified Rune
Macro #2 Aoe
#show Mass Exhaustion
cast Break Free
cast @gtae Mass Exhaustion
Screen Setup
#1 Mana Wrench
#2 Transmogrify
# 3 Main Macro
# 4 Bloom
#5 Essence Surge
#6 Natural Healing
#7 Natural Conversion
#8 Blight
#9 Macro #2 AoE
#0 Entropic Veil
Buffs go somewhere else!
Buffs are
Mass charged Shield
Lifegiving Veil
Dark Armor
(please do not that 2 of your buffs cannot be debuffed, therefor the buffing order doesnt mater.)
Your main Buttons will be # 1,2,3,0
Always Transmogrify before a fight, most of the time it will allow the person to use Break Free
Cool down is somewhere near 10 seconds that a person cannot have it done to them again.
I am terribly sorry how long this spec took to get out, seriously i have had so bad internet issues that i cannot play a single minute in the game. I spent the last few hours logging in for a minute to get d/c just so i can view my outline of this Spec, so i hope you guys enjoy it. Remember That you can only have mass charged shield debuffed from you, but it is still one of the more important abilities/buffs you should have up, so remember to make sure you have it up. It also helps a good bit during warfronts since so many people dont target just a healer, it allows the people who are being hit to take down the health of the attackers without needing to switch from their targets. ENJOY
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Blog Archive
- RIFT 2.4: Hotfix #3 9/26/13
- RIFT 2.4: Hotfix #2 9/25/13
- RIFT 2.4: Hotfix #2 9/25/13
- RIFT 2.4: Hotfix #2 9/25/13
- Dual Grief Mage Spec
- RIFT 2.4: Hotfix #1 9/19/13
- 100% instant Cast Mage Spec
- Battle Bard... Till Death oh wait.
- Warrior Reaver Spec, As Promised.
- RIFT 2.3 Hot Fix #20 - 9/11/13
- RIFT 2.3 Hot Fix #19 - 9/9/13
- Spec Build will be announced Soon, Check it Out
- RIFT 2.3 Hot Fix #18 - 9/4/13
- Nightblade Spec, 41% increase in heals ( at level 60)
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