Friday, July 19, 2013

Battle Of Port Scion: Death By To Much PVP

PVP it can be so much fun, however for port scion it can be such a strain on the person. The longest PVP not including Conquest when you hit level 60. The objective of port scion is to run stones to your main boss to gain points, or to kill their main boss after destroying their towers which each award 100 points after destroyed and a mini boss that gaurds the main boss will leave and go recreate the tower. One of the mini bosses also award 100 points after killing. There is not really to much to this pvp besides try to gain control of bridge and always fight towards the side that has the main sourcestone source which is to the top of the map (library i believe its called). If you do not have control of the bridge and you cannot run some stones that means you need to find another way to get points. This is the only true secret behind battle of port scion. You need to kill the miniboss at the bottom of the map directly bellow the opening to the bridge. There will be a circle area that spawns 1 sourcestone every now and then. This means someone can easily run this one without a worry while their team fights to gain control of the bridge or even maybe go after their main boss. If you want to fight their main boss you need to kill both towers and both people after them that come to respawn the tower. Next make sure to have at least 3 tanks and heals and dps. Switch off attacking the boss every now and then, When the other people come back to defend. Send one tank way up there with a heal and a few dps. This will distract them enough to most likely get stuck away from their boss. Allowing you the time to destroy their boss. When your running Sourcestones from the main Source just pretty much run and dont attack, Heal if necessary so you dont AGGRO the Nonplayers. Lots of time Aoe is the main way to go for a DPS no other way unless you are good at picking off healers. If not dont bother to be single target dps. Enjoy



It's Dwarfin' Time

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