Monday, July 29, 2013

Tank Specs Vs Damage Specs, What to Know and how to pick your style of playing!

Well for all you people who know me on rift, my style of playing is ONLY Tank specs. A lot of people think that i have never given a Damage spec a chance, they are wrong, very very wrong. I started playing MMo's with Runescape, Moved to Diablo, Then went to World of Warcraft, and Finally i went into Rift. In my opinion one of the best Games out there. Each Game i had a different style of playing and what i liked to do, But that also depended on my location i lived in. The place i live in right now has horrible internet, My ping online is normally 1000 ping if not worse with at least 20 Fps because the internet drops my FPS too. Being that i came from a Good internet where it used to be 200 ping, that for me is fantastic, i used to play a hunter in WOW but when i moved and also moved over to Diablo, Someone Squishy wasnt cutting it out for me. Tanks Vs DPS. Tanks, Can defiantly be the iron rock of a team that will hold a whole group Togeather, Just seeing one person staying alive for a while can motivate a whole team to get their butts into shape and lead a team to victory, Many people so tanks are worthless in PVP but thats not true, They actually distract lots of people and allow you to do a lot of fun and unique things without getting more harped on then a normal tank would. Tanks come Equiped with pulling abilities to grab enemies off healers and even have a good amount of stuns and self heals, They also do a lot of damage when You put your points in the right order and Set up a correct macro for a tank. For me, it allows the freedom to be able to lag in a game, without dieing quickly and making my team suffer for my own internet, At the bottom of this blog you will see a picture of my Damage i had in a PVP match against people geared better then me and more upgrades then me on gear and stats. Tanks in a PVE setting, If your lagging anywhere like me, i would highly recommend starting off as a DPS and then if you truly want to take on the challenge of tanking, Do it after learning each fight, Each fight will be a struggle and a challenge for you, You need to really be thinking 3 seconds ahead of time. Lots of people always say this but let me explain why i truly mean this. My latency/ping being 1000. That accounts for 1 second delay. Boss uses a move where you need to dodge it, (if you act instantly but no one does) that is 1 second down to show up on your screen, You hit the arrow to move left , thats a seconds delay from you hitting the key, thats 2 seconds down, and another second for you to actually be registered as moving so, that is 3 seconds down. Most of the time its a 5 second Cast for a boss and it will kill you. So Playing a tank With high latency/ping can be extremely hard but fun if you like a challenge. As For a tanks Damage, They normally have slow consistent small damage with consistent bursts of heavy damage. they take out people in a mildly okay speed unlike a DPS would where they have long cool downs and then high powerful damage to take an enemy out in quick manor. For DPS playing with high latency can be annoying because you so squishy and you have a delay of following, you really shouldnt ever play a melee person because you always will be told, your too far away, when your right on him, or it will say the other message, You need to be infront of your target because your trying to account for your delay, but the game isnt smart enough to realize that to let your moves go out. If you have normal latency, You can quickly dodge and run away from Enemies, a Tactic for anyone is Called kiting, or gliding or many other terms for it. Instead of walking backwords you use the E or Q key when moving, this will make it look like your characters running sideways, and not a slow back pedal. The move you are casting will still go out AS LONG as you stay at least in a straight line with the enemy, as soon as he gets to close to your back you will not be able to cast a move, so try to kite people in a circular motion so they follow you towards your face/front of the body. As for PVE style, there really is a lot less work for a DPS you stand in one spot normally and pound on your macros, Simple as that. Every now and then you may have to dodge but thats not a big deal since you can die since your not a healer or a Tank, which are the lifeblood in PVE.

May have forgotten stuff, add stuff you if you want :D in comments, bellow is the picture of the tank Spec damage




It's Dwarfin' Time

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