Well let me be the one to say that this warfront is mainly about Picking up the RUNES. How to Pick them up? its simple, get close and right click on it. After waiting for the cast bar that automatically pops up, you will be holding onto the rune. the rune gives your team points to win. However holding onto this it will deplete a PERCENTAGE of health. Each tic will progressively take more health away from you. In all honesty this is one where you want a lot of heals. The more runes you hold the more points you earn. Have enough out and at the same time on your side and you gain a bonus for a certain amount of time ( till you loose the number that allows you to get the prize, not sure exactly of the number but i think it is around 4 or 5). Since though each Tic takes away a percentage, that means the more health, the harder and bigger pain you are for a healer to actually heal you. although still you can take more punishment from the team it wears out a healer when you are needing to be healed for more then half health and you have around 40,000 or more of health. I would recommend switching to a healing spec or a DPS spec that can still take some abuse. You will always be abused in PVP no avoiding it, but its best to not have the healers over healing in this. This is one where people always blame healers for the loss. In reality, its not the healers fault most of the time. A lot of the time people are not picking up enough runes to even win at this. So when you respawn or down have a rune, look on your minimap or map. It will show the location of all runes that are not being held at the moment. To find someone who is holding look to the right of your screen and you will see their name and health bar. Even shows which side they are on. Just dont think your on one side because of being mercenaried (put on the other team because they didnt have enough players for some odd reason, god knows rift has a huge amount of players now). In this, it really doesnt matter about the other team really, try to heal your guys or if DPS you should try and collect the runes before the other team does though. Healers! i would highly recommend that you do not pick up one of these stones though. It may sound a little contradictory but if you pick up a stone, you will be by fair the MAIN TARGET of the whole other team. When you die Heals die, remember that. Think of yourself as a King or Queen and think as runes as War. Kings and Queens never charge out to war. They will just die, they sit in their thrown and Give out orders (or in this case Heals). When a Healer Dies it allows the other team to take down your rune carries easier. In reality this one is probably by far the most teamwork associated warfront in Rift (I do not count conquest as a Warfront)
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