In rift you have healing which can be broken down into two main types of healing, which would be single target healing and area of effect healing. People like to say that single target heals dont do as much as area of effect heals because at least in a warfront, they normally score lower on the healing points. Although they may score lower in a warfront they are doing just as much work as a Area of affect healer if not even more work. Its easy to cast a spell that just hits the people that are the lowest, but since Area of affect hits many people for and almost constantly throughout the whole warfront, they have higher healing numbers then a person doing single target healing. Single target healing requires the change of target and getting people who are seriously hurt back up to near full or full health.
Here are some frequently asked questions about healing.
Can Area of affect heal like a single target?
The answer simply is NO. This is because a single target healer heals for large portions of health at a time. Area of effect heals, small portions of health over time or medium sized amount of health to large groups at a time, mostly with a cooldown.
Can Single Target heal Like A Area Of Effect Healer?
Sometimes Yes. If the team isnt under extreme fire they have an ability normally that can move the over healing from a target to another few targets for a lower amount of health. So that means if a single target healer over heals a target he can keep up a team for a short amount of time
How well are Single target heals under fire?
Single target heals allow the person being attacked to live for a very long amount of time, it normally takes more then 4 people to take down the person the healer is healing just because the portion of health he is able to heal, however it is simply easier to take down a healer then someone being healed because you can prevent heals with stuns and silences.
How well are area of effect heals under fire
Area of effect heals are there to simply assist the single target healers. Since area of affect heals are over time or just in smaller portions, it is much easier to take down targets that are being healed by them, in some cases just 1 person can take down someone being healed by a area of affect healer. However it can be a lot harder to kill ( but this goes the same with single target heals too) if the person is in a tank spec or a spec that has high armor, health portions for Area of affect are not as needed if you can withstand a lot of hits since they heal for less. As for killing a Area of affect healer though, it can be problem because you add 2 more classes that are able to do it, Each class is able to do some sort of Area of Affect healer, As for a mage and cleric they are probably the easiest to kill when they are in a area of affect healing spec, but for a rogue or warrior, they can cause people problems because they cannot be silenced. Which means their heals can consist through that, however they can be stunned and disarmed. Not many people use disarm and stun has a long cooldown. Plus the armor These classes have make them just in general a hard kill, although not as hard as a single target healer!.
How to Pick if you like a single target heal or a Area of Affect
Well it simply comes down to how much your willing to pay attention to the game while you play and wether or not you like healing. If you dont like healing then neither is good for you. But if you also find yourself distracted most of the time, then you should be a Area of affect healer. since they dont require much target of your allies if any at all depending on the class. which means you can still just focus fire on the other enemys by tabbing around and heal your team at the same time! it also is a good choice for people that like to do more then just damage all the time. Single target heals are mainly for the ones who focus on the game and have gotten good at clicking on the targets that are low healthed (can become good at this through DPS by clicking on the low healthed enemy just transfer what you learned to your allies instead of enemies for healing). Dont get me wrong anyone can do anything, its just that you most likely be yelled at in the game if your doing a poor job at healing, just because everyone always blames the single target healers and not normally the area of affect healers.
Any more questions feel free to ask, and if your at least looking for a mage healing spec and a warrior healing spec (please note that the warrior healing spec is one of my prized specs i made so please do shove this one aside), i do have one up at the moment for each and im sure other class specs will be posted shortly when i feel up to actually taking the time to go through my explainations.
Mage Healing Spec Link
Warrior Healing/support Spec Link
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