Thursday, July 11, 2013

Ever Wanted To Be A Warrior Support? Here Is Your Chance.

You know, i am not one of those people who just hands out my warrior specs like candy. I take pride in each warrior spec i make and i try to hide each and every single one the best i can. Ive had so many people try and steal my specs that i just decided to stop caring. However my main specs will still be a secret for my warrior. I have videos up on youtube of them, well at least at this moment in time. Just one of them. I dont show you much, but it still is a dead giveaway with my screen. But! I do have a Spec that i created as a warrior support. Beastmaster... The most unliked spec of all times. Why is it so unliked? Because people cannot figure out a correct order of moves and thinks that the damage is awful. In reality the damage is good, not the best but it has hidden secrets to the spec that normally people miss. For example, the first move you get later on debuffs the target each time you hit them and gets a range of 23 meters. Thats awesome in my opinion. So here is my spec/Build, ill try to make it as easy to read as possible.

Soul #1

Riftblade- 18 in it

Row 1
5- in Elemental Flux

Row 2
2- in Surging Energy
2- in Elemental Empowerment
1- in Fiery Burst

Row 3

2- in Scald
2- in Affinity
1- in Windspear

Row 4

1- in Blade Of Elemental Fury
2- in Elemental Touch

Soul #2

Void Knight- 0 in it

Soul #3

Beastmaster- 58 in it

Row 1

3- in Swiftness
5- In Razor Sharp Fangs

Row 2

3- in Hunter
5- in Fierce Wounds
1- in Call Of Stone

Row 3

5- in Strike To Maim
1- in Primal Heal
3- in Primal Fury

Row 4

5- in Blood Rage
1- in Command To Attack
2- in Primal Bond

Row 5

2- in Hunt master
3- in Pack Mentality
1- in Summon Greater Primal Companion

Row 6

3- in Ties That Bind
3- in Tenacious Wounds
1- in Call Of Kinship

Row 7

1- in Command To Stand Ground
2- in Abolition
1- in Guardianship
1- in Tutelage

Row 8

1- in Twin Cuts
1- in Loyalty
1- in Calming Influence
2- in Relentless

Row 9
1- in Cunning Ruse

Alright, well now that you have your soultree made, go into your macro after copying the macro list bellow and past it directly into the macro and give the macro the name of your liking.

#show Cunning Ruse
cast Break Free
cast [shift] Riftwalk
cast [alt] Spotter's Call
cast Flesh Rip
cast Vicious Opportunity
cast Windspear
cast Enrage
cast Cunning Ruse
cast Guardianship
cast Twin Cuts
cast Flamespear
cast Primal Heal
cast Fierce Strike
cast Primal Lucidity
cast Messy Wounds
cast Fiery Burst
cast Icy Burst
cast Petrified Rune
cast Soul Crystal
cast Charged Mirror

Note: Make sure to use your commands when needed and no keeping an eye on healing abilities needed, the macro will roll through them in order. To use a ability with alt in front of it, Hold Alt and then press the number you put the macro in for, Same goes for shift. Hold Shift them Press the number you selected for the macro. Always keep you pet out, it increases Damage, Health, And allows some of your abilities to be used. Always keep every single one of your buffs on at all times!

The Buffing order should consist of and be order like this in case of purging attacks hit you!

#1 Bond of Alacrity
#2 Bond of Shelter
#3 Bond of Power
#4 Call of the Forest
#5 Call of Blood
#6 Avatar of Wind
#7 Call of Stone
#8 Call of Savagery
#9 Blade of Elemental Infinity
#10 Call of Kinship
#11 Void

Note: if you do not have 11 buffs on, you do not have all the buffs on. your screen will seem a little clustered, sorry but warriors are powered by buffs.

Please give all credit for the build to me, Sumdeus (rift)
Here is a Video to of the build in action


It's Dwarfin' Time

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