Saturday, July 6, 2013

Its a Sumdeus Spec Special! Mage Spec Healing

For all upcomming mages
a struggle to find the right balance of range and spec. In this posting you will find the spec layout i made, the macros i made for the spec. For further or addition information about this spec, please contact me, on the game or on here. I will try my best to get back to you right away.

61 Chloromancer- All the way filled up

8 Dominator- 5 in mental fortitude, 2 in improved charged shield, 1 in priest's lament

7 Archon - 2 in Blood Pact, 3 in Soul Fire, 2 in Exhilaration

Now that you have your spec actually made, its time for the macros itself and key layout of the first 3 keys, after these the layout of your screen is up to you, or even if you dont like the layout, it can be adjusted to fit your playing style. macros has been fixed for max healing and damage though

#1 key- Void life

#2 key- Macro named whatever you picked, the macro layout is
#show Nature's Touch
cast Break Free
cast [alt] Nature's Touch
cast Nature's Fury
cast Vile Spores

#3 key- Macro named whatever you picked, the macro layout is
#show Corrosive Spores
cast Break Free
cast Soul Tether
cast [shift] Withering Vine
cast [alt] Natural Conversion
cast [alt] Priest's Lament
cast Corrosive Spores
cast Ruin
cast Thunder Blast
cast Radiant Spores
cast Flourish
cast Cleansing Rush
cast Withering Vine
cast Searing Vitality
cast Symbiosis
cast Reflective Command
cast Soul Crystal
cast Petrified Rune

cast Renewing Seed

And that is really all you need for the basics, layout the screen of your choosing and let me know how it works for you. I am able to help with any class and any spec.

You really should not run out of mana ever, so you will always have mana Plus not to mention you get the health increase from Vit and the Debuff that increases your armor. Plus you get a Grief. Some people can argue that this is a Dual Grief since there are two types, The heal on Hit, and Damage on Hit and this has both types.

It's Dwarfin' Time

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