Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Escalation: Whitefall Steppes, Its Time To Win A Few.

I know we have all been there, We Join Whitefall Steppes and we find out our team is clustered in the middle of the map, just trying to get some kills instead of worrying about what the game/warfront is all about. The sourcestone normally when this happens is just sitting there or just resting perfectly happy at the other teams Zone. If you go towards the stone, you could probably squeeze through the map zone to the far left or the fair right, at the zones outer most edges. This allows you to sneak past the giant mob in the middle, When you get to the stone pick to up with a right click and wait for the casting bar to finish. Run back to the outer edge, however if you do not have any teamates coming to you to help you carry the stone across the map. When you get about half way, make a sharp cut into the middle of the map. Make sure to not run into the enemies directly though. This will allow your team to get their heads where it should be and allow you to get some heals. The rest of it is pretty much if your team can hold them off while you carry it to your collection area. It really is a good thing to do when your team is occupied with killing people. Especially if your health is low. Most of the time healers are just Tab Healing the low health or clicking on the nearest low health person. So since you could rely on your team For this you brought the stones to Them and hopefully you get some heals in return. As for picking up the stone when the whole area is being aoe, it seems to be a little odd. Aoe seems to affect the people who have been in there for a little bit. So run out of any aoe until your not damaged anymore and run back in. Make sure to be the furthest limit you can before trying to pick it up. If this doesnt work you could always spam the pickup button too while hitting attack. Each time your Pickup is canceled you will attack, it does not cut off your pickup if you hit an attack key. So you can Keep up your dps while you are trying to get the sourcestone. As for specs for this, it really would be best to be a Healer of course, or a Support Healer. Mainly a Bard or Chloro. Druids are defiantly welcomed if any. But as for People who cannot be them. Your best option would be an AOE Tank Spec. This is because the more AOE the harder it is for opponents to get the Sourcestone. The more Health and armor, the easier it is for you to carry the sourcestone since they dont damage your health when carrying it. So its best to be rock solid from the people attacking you trying to get it. However A Good tank spec would be one with AOE and PULLS because people will target healers and you need to pull them off your healers or your out of luck there "Boom".



It's Dwarfin' Time

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