Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Whats A Zone Event? How To Prepare For Battle!

 Zone Events, They are a planar invasion assault that you need to defend against in the Zone that it is happening in. Each zone has its own events that are designed for them. You can earn planarite and other goodies in a Zone Event. Zone events mostly consist of taking down a selected number of invaders and closing a certain amount of rifts, but sometimes it does not always happen like that. Take these pictures for an example. These are pictures of a zone event that happens in ashora ( Storm Legion Zone). This one consists of destroying different body parts on this gigantic guy. He to everyone in the game is like your looking at Godzilla and your one of the Asians running around, going Gowzwillaaa. This zone event is insanely long and literally takes more then a few armies to take him down. When you see a Zone event happening look to the right of your screen to see what you have to do to complete it. Then try to get a little group going and try to complete each objective. Its good to always have a healer in a group, a tank is not really needed much for zone events unless there is a main boss at the end of the event. Other then that only heals and DPS. Complete Each objective given in the time frame given to recieve a nice hefty prize for doing it. Normally a zone Event gives you more then enough time to do it by yourself if it is possible for one person. So dont worry. Try to get your army while working on small Objectives you can complete, until your army is ready. Then go out and Destroy!

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